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25.01.03 master
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Red Angus Association of America (UAR, UNITED STATES)
American Angus Association (UAN, UNITED STATES)
Canadian Angus Association (CAN, CANADA)
The Angus Society of Australia (AUS, AUSTRALIA)
Angus Mexicana Association (MAN, MEXICO)
Asociacion de Criadores de Angus del Uruguay (AAU, URUGUAY)
American Simmental Association (USM, UNITED STATES)
International Brangus Breeders Association (UBN, UNITED STATES)
American Hereford Association -- Horned Hereford (UHH, UNITED STATES)
American Gelbvieh Association (UGV, UNITED STATES)
North American Limousin Foundation (ULM, UNITED STATES)
American-International Charolais Association (UCH, UNITED STATES)
American Salers Association (USA, UNITED STATES)
Braunvieh Association of America (UBU, UNITED STATES)
North American South Devon Association (UDS, UNITED STATES)
American Red Brangus Association (ARB, UNITED STATES)
International Red Brangus Breeders Association (IRB, UNITED STATES)
American Brahman Breeders Association (UBR, UNITED STATES)
Senepol Cattle Breeders Association (USE, UNITED STATES)
American Tarentaise Association (UTA, UNITED STATES)
American Maine-Anjou Association (UMA, UNITED STATES)
American Chianina Association (UCA, UNITED STATES)
American Shorthorn Association -- Polled (USP, UNITED STATES)
Beefmaster Breeders United (UBM, UNITED STATES)
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International (USG, UNITED STATES)
Amerifax Cattle Association (UAM, UNITED STATES)
Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (UTL, UNITED STATES)
American Devon Cattle Association (UDE, UNITED STATES)
Parthenais Cattle Breeders Association (UPA, UNITED STATES)
American Highland Cattle Association (USH, UNITED STATES)
Purebred Dexter Cattle Association (UDR, UNITED STATES)
American Galloway Breeders Association (UGA, UNITED STATES)
American Murray Grey Association (UMG, UNITED STATES)
American Red Poll Association (URP, UNITED STATES)
Brown Swiss Association (UBS, UNITED STATES)
Barzona Breeders Association (UBA, UNITED STATES)
Holstein Association USA (UHO, UNITED STATES)
Canadian Simmental Association (CSM, CANADA)
Australian Simmental Associations (ASM, AUSTRALIA)
New Zealand Angus (NZA, NEW ZEALAND)
Brazil Angus (BRA, BRAZIL)
Canadian Hereford Association (CHP, CANADA)
American Wagyu Association (UKB, UNITED STATES)
American Aberdeen Association (ULO, UNITED STATES)
American Pinzgauer Association (UPZ, UNITED STATES)
American Akaushi Association (UAA, UNITED STATES)
Demark Angus (DKA, DENMARK)
Sweden Angus (SEA, SWEDEN)
South Africa Angus (SAA, SOUTH AFRICA)
Uruguay Angus (UYA, URUGUAY)
Aberdeen Angus Society (UKA, UNITED KINGDOM)
Argentina Angus (ARA, ARGENTINA)
Irish Holstein Friesian Association (UFB, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
American Jersey Association (UJE, UNITED STATES)
Canadian Charolais Association (CCH, CANADA)
United Braford Breeders (UBB, UNITED STATES)
New Zealand Charolais Association (NCH, NEW ZEALAND)
German Angus Association (DEU, GERMANY)
Hungary Angus Association (HUN, HUNGARY)
Canadian Gelbvieh Association (CGV, CANADA)
South Poll Association (OPA, UKRAINE)
Dutch Aberdeen Angus-Netherlands (NLD, NETHERLANDS)
Aberdeen Angus-Portugal (PRT, PORTUGAL)
Recorded - Non-Registered Animal (XXX, UNITED STATES)
PRO Cow FCCP-commercial mktg (PRO, UNITED STATES)
Registration numbers
4806918 4806920 4806922 4806924 4806926 4806928 4806930 4806932 4806934 4806936 4806938 4806756 4806940 4806942 4806944 4806946 4806948 4806952 4806954 4806746 4806956 4806958 4806962 4806964 4806968 4806970 4806972 4806974 4806742 4806976 4806978 4806980 4806982 4806984 4806988 4806990 4806992 4806994 4806996 4806998 4807002 4807004 4807006 4807008 4807010 4807012 4807014 4807016 4807020 4807022 4807024 4807026 4807028 4807034 4807036 4807038 4807040 4806750 4807044 4807046 4807048 4807052 4807054 4807056 4807058 4807062 4807064 4807066 4807068 4807070 4807074 4807076 4807078 4807080 4806758 4807084 4807086 4807088 4807090 4807092 4807094 4843470 4807098 4807104 4807106 4807110 4806738 4807112 4807114 4807118 4807120 4807122 4807126 4807128 4807130 4807132 4807136 4807138 4806748 4807142 4843472 4843480 4843486 4843484 4843490 4843492 4806756 4806746 4806742 4806750 4806758 4806738 4806748
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Red Angus categories
A: 100%
B: 87 <= % Angus < 100
2: 87 <= % Angus <= 100, Disqualifying Characteristic
3: 0 <= % Angus < 87%
Angus Plus: 65-96% Angus, min 4% Brahman derivative
Hybred: Cat 3, 25 <= % Angus, % commercial <= 13
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